Go therefore and make discples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit... Matthew 28:19
All events subject to change without notice
Click the links for more information
Waiver to be Filled Out for EACH Run
January 21 - Rattlesnake Canyon / Mottino Wash
February 18 - Snow Run
March 24-26 - Calico
April 22 - Ernest McBride High School Car Show
April 28-30 - Anza Borrego
May 20 - Lockwood / Millers
June 24 - Cleghorn
July 22 - Pilot Rock
August 18-20 - Big Bear
September - Date TBD - Jeep Bash / Beach Party
October 20-22 - Joshua Tree
November 17-19 - Mojave Road or Mojave Preserve
December - Date TBD - Christmas Party